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15 September 2019
Care of Creation confession
Rod Oram, journalist and activist, speaks in the 2019 Season of Creation, outlining a liturgical confession and prayer of praise for creation
Rod Oram
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Care of Creation confession
In the name of God, the Creator Christ, The Cosmic web, and the spirit of the sustainable. First of all, thank you very much Katie for inviting me to come along this morning on this, the third Sunday in creation time and it's a huge privilege and pleasure then.
Because, same atoms plays a role in my life. They would mention is to go out on a job in New Zealand, but we never been to New Zealand. So, my prospective employers option come from visit. So Lynn and I are doors that Celeste six, the time, came for a week early, 1997. And I asked the New Zealand Herald, my perspective.
And when his church on Sunday and get nervous and suggested, he can't get us a method and is also the first time that I'd ever said the Lord's Prayer Maori. So it seems to be very grateful to be back here in Marlborough diamond. And Martin says, I am back to have a chat with the bigger, the time happy today. To ask me, what the anglicans? What happened?
It's an incredibly interesting was this whole new constitution for three together church? One prepared, which incidentally used large church and some years before. And so I thought well I'm not sure about the job and there are certain Joy Church Life and he's actually jobs fine for a few years and church life has been good for many decades has such as certainly to note in 2014, 16 and 18 and to really experience 3D camera Church, in all its Glory, Speaking much, every time I come to worship and I like to sit close to the right or left of the I gravitated there this morning. It's because I'm such a creature of habit, very deeply ingrained in one of my earliest memories were church is sitting right there because that's where my father is patriarch away.
Sunday at George's Church interest. And that's, of course, where as to gravitate to today, long ago, I fell into another deep habit, but a far worse, the Eucharist. I resort to my saying, literally of sins, I cruise through confession involve quarter character then a few years ago in our Parish st. Andrews episode.
The first time, very different confession in our season of creation Eucharist.
Repeating it in substance services in that creation time made known easier confession and for me to make it was so and front and making it. I admitted I was massacres. God creates, I admitted that I had shattered. My relationship with God and His creation.
Yet. I also know that God wants me to confess by ecological sense, so he can forgive me. So I have hope and courage to try to restore my relationship with his new creation.
Send it necessary, please. May I suggest we now run through that creation confession and I worry, I will need each day one by one of God's seven days of creation. And after each of those days, I will follow it with our mirror day of Destruction, and the deep south of that, some facts about that. And then some suggestions about To help heal our relationship with God and His creation and then praise and thanksgiving is a really important part of that. So each of those days are ahead and take out of the chorus. Now, you've much prefer to be in the same but they're going to speak because you might prefer to hear me speak rather sing And we're not going to go through today Arturo versus quantity, I'm going to rearrange appropriate for each of these days of creation and destruction. That I know the cars are going to be right on top of this. And you need them to the right first, just actually as a very important note to give credit where credit's due One of the other things about is, how close a very great benefit of regular natural answers to why people.
It's really wonderful. When I learnt only a few years ago, the spend entertainers written, especially for our by the wreck.
Who's keeping when his wife died and within himself, saying humans, the cooperation perished charge but amount before they were that advocates for many years out of those things happen. So a confession for the season creation.
On a Thursday, you split the darkness and created light on our first day of Destruction, we split the atom exploding nuclear devices and created a black mist of death.
Nine Nations have a total of fourteen thousand. Nine hundred nuclear warheads. If chest, one of the most powerful ever built rashes and Tsar bomb was dropped on the city. It would kill an estimated seven point. Six million people injured for Y2 over eight thousand square kilometers, killing and injuring, many more Millions.
To have a relationship with creation. We could for example, relate well to each other.
When you settle our differences and work together communities Thrive when our communities Drive our nation. Cries, when our nation thrives, we can help other nations relate better to each other together, we can rid the world of nuclear and other Weapons of Mass destructions. And as we know in New Zealand, - so I correspond to read 8 and verses 8 and 9.
On the second day, creation.
You create the sky filled with planets stars and fresh egg. On our second day of Destruction. We began burning fossil fuels camping fumes in the sky and creative pollution.
Since 1915 emissions from burning fossil fuels have increased more than seven fault, as a result temperatures rising and the climate is changing, the we are deeply damaging our life support system which God had created to help repair our relationship with creation. We could, for example, Drive - who's more public transport rejoice.
So now I turn to tourists games with verse 3 on the third day of creation gathered together. The waters, reveal the source of Rich vegetation, forests streams and seeds the new life.
Today. Distraction he began to strip the land creating Barren Plains. Then began to wood chip and burned forests removing over half the Earth's vegetation in less than a human lifetime. We humans actively manage, 75% the land surface. The planet excluding them permanent ice and snow covered parts and through our funding.
Another activities, we actually move more of the Earth's surface each year than natural processes to. So, for example, here in New Zealand, we watch films and patters 200 million tons of topsoil To help, for example, let's need grows and compost.
So again, I ask for assistance for Verses 4 and 5.
On the fourth day of creation. You creating the sun and a differentiated the dead of the night and the seasons on our fourth day of Destruction. Me through aerosols up into the sky, ripping apart the protective ozone and changing satellite from friends to Ferb.
We're changing chemicals. We use an aerosol sprays. So those are all the shrimp, but our ultraviolet levels are high because we have less air pollution here than many other countries. However, we create other kinds of aerosols such as very very fine particles from the likes of are porous soil or dust or indeed from diesel engines to help repair our relationship with creation.
The hi, v-- slip, slop slap and wrap and particles. We can try to avoid creating dust event forms. Particularly, for example, in the way, you use the land, and if you have a diesel engine little trade him for a petrol for electric wire. And another way to help repair our relationship with creation is to immerse ourselves in God's amazing a bright night Scars. So verse to Benton.
on the fifth day of creation, he called the sea and air to bring forth life of many times for the Wonder and Delight of our fifth day of Destruction, we created DDT killing the fish of the seasons and Destroy and more That's in the end. These days use very, very DDT. But many of our continued activities are destroying natural habitats.
That's of our 30 indigenous species of marine animals here in our New Zealand Waters. One, port are threatened with Extinction We have 92 species and subspecies of indigenous. Seabirds 1/3 are threatened with Extinction and a further risk of Extinction to help repair our relationship with creation. We could, for example, drawing the forest and bird fish wise, help with for land, conservation project.
7 verse 6.
On the sixth day of creation, you wants to creatures the land managed crawling leaping and playing games of life.
On a six day of Destruction, we looked away.
Has multitude of species disappeared to our destruction of their environments.
Of 168, species of native birds, just 20% are doing okay, 48% are insufferable and 32% are a serious trouble.
Our native plant species, one, third are threatened with Extinction likewise our indigenous Partners to help repair our relationship creation.
We could, for example, you know it's plant natives to help our native plants and some birds track relatives, keep on cancer note or at least put them so on the seventh day of creation, Gave creation the blessing of rest to celebrate and sustainable life.
On our last day of Destruction, we created a strive for Progress, explosive whole life to increase profit since 1950.
We humans have traveled to 7.5 billion, but our economic activity has increased tenfold. What do you use has quadrupled the number of Motor Vehicles is increased by using Resentful artist. Fertilizer has increased 18 fold.
To help repair our relationship with creation could for example by Rising by nests and without Templar possessions, reduce repair recycled reused and said, possessions we could enjoy the rich diversity of each other and the simpler things in life.
So this is 10, We represent about these issues of God's creation, the Ecology of the life support system. He has given us. If we do, we sell say, Oh, my impact is so tiny and when they do feel responsible we feel helpless. What difference can I am yet? When we confess to God forgives us and gives us courage to try again. He asked each player tiny, tiny part in his creation. If an infinite number of us each do I test him small bit.
We can together restore a relationship with creation and God.
And we close with the one verse we've yet to hear. And that initiative, which is the first verse