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06 March 2022
Cate Thorn begins the 2022 Lenten series exploring healing with the gospel of Luke
Rev Cate Thorn
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Wages are for Living
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Where does scripture take us?
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Being a prophet
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What is religious freedom
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Wisdom, wisdom from The Gospel. According to Saint strange condition, deceitful being physician and this is the word of God.
In today's reading volume Israel story that one of the begins are wondering Adam I was my ancestor.
It's a story of its Narrative of Salvation. It is a story of binding and the story is recited in here as well.
And they never fail.
The promises of land of prosperity and of communities for future Generations. This is the day Eh.
I asked you, what are the stories that remind you of?
What are the stories you tell and sustain and story?
Some of those might be religious.
some of the finding Emily stories, and sometimes the stories, but actually one person and that's not including the track.
Mine's that lead us to think with the world around us, each of us has our own We also understand, but I want to get Jesus.
Of course, the narrative. This policy.
It is quite as fun.
we engage in this scenario, we come to embody and experience the story is because of the so, we enter with Jesus into the 40 days to experience that Who is the Jesus that you need to move on?
I think we need.
Some ideas experiences of Jesus as Messiah.
Sprinkle Jesus has redeemed, us magical Jesus, the Beloved brother.
Jesus, who is God? Jesus, who is fully human?
Particular Jesus combination. This is the one we bring us. Is we listen to the bass?
So I suggest that this Jesus came, and the way the subconscious thing we've been pitching.
That he hadn't said so he could see through and see the world.
even though we know Jesus, Amazing. Jesus. How long have you been?
Literally dealings contagious and so we did.
There are three Temptations, right? The first one stoned. Bring the city of Milan was about The first one is about.
The invitation.
The second one is about the invitation.
Would you prefer?
Would you?
Wouldn't you might like to have concrete proof? That God loves.
Who can say?
What I'm suggesting is if this is the culture because the age don't require, the gene mutation is to want to. We devote a lot of time to worship.
We can control our sweet spot, but World sustained were not.
It is what it is, despite and in fashion.
the funny thing is that nothing has changed by rearranging out the king except maybe we could be climbed waves.
Expressing the way things are.
It is all terribly overwhelming, especially expediently out of my eyes.
Do you know what he is?
I think we must have to go to between. Do we know that?
so, this is just because you, We grounded enough and our stories. We see life as it is and to whom father as we face.
I want to seduce that.
Is called.
What causes you to lift your eyes Beyond yourself. Despite infrequent that wish to kwang-jin. Is there a lightness?
There are others with whom you can limit.